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Environment & Outdoor Ed

An environmental and outdoor education program enables students to participate in Waterwatch, Saltwatch and other environmental activities within the context of the Falls Creek environment.

FCPS Students with mountain pygmy possum

Snow Sports

Falls Creek Primary School makes the most of the unique alpine environment of Falls Creek Alpine Resort in which the school is situated. During the winter term, the school offers a comprehensive snow sports program.

Each student at the school has the opportunity to participate in the snow sports program during Term 3. This comprises an afternoon of alpine skiing lessons with the Falls Creek Snowsports School each Friday and an afternoon of cross country skiing with teachers from the school. Students in Years 3 – 6 also have the opportunity to participate in snowboard lessons one afternoon a week. Full details of the program are advised to all school families in the newsletter.

Students are expected to provide their own ski clothing, protective gear and alpine skiing and snowboarding equipment. Helmets are compulsory for alpine skiing and snowboarding. Cross country equipment (skis, boots and poles) are provided by the school.
The snow sports program culminates with students from Years 3 to 6 having the opportunity to participate in the Victorian Interschool Snowsports Championships, held at Mt Buller in August. Teams and individuals who qualify are encouraged to then compete in the Australian Championships held in September. Falls Creek Primary School has been extremely successful in these competitions.
Those families wishing to participate in the Interschool competitions should refer to the Interschools Snowsports Policy 2020

swimming lessons


During the summer terms, students participate in a swimming program at Mt Beauty Swimming Pool. Children are driven to Mount Beauty by teachers and parent helpers. They have lessons from AustSwim instructors and are supervised by the teacher from Falls Creek Primary School.

The program culminates in a swimming carnival held in late February or early March. The carnival is organised by Mount Beauty Primary School and includes students in Year 3 and above from Mount Beauty, Tawonga and Falls Creek primary schools.